Wednesday, August 07, 2024

That sounds like a wonderful trip! Los Angeles is a popular destination with its beautiful beaches, vibrant city life, and diverse cultural attractions. It's great that you were able to visit your uncle and spend some quality time together. If you enjoyed your time in LA, it's definitely worth considering a return visit next year. There's always something new to explore and experience in the city

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

my niece talented

That's amazing! It's inspiring to see someone who is so dedicated to their studies and also passionate about their work. Pursuing a PhD while working at a restaurant shows a strong work ethic and determination. Opening her own Korean restaurant in the future would be a great way for her to share her love for Korean cuisine and stay connected to the country she has come to consider her second home. It sounds like she has a bright future ahead of her as a successful restaurateur.

 Korea winter

My first ever hospital worked in the UK.. Queen's hospital in Romford, London.. Those days in 2006..

only a locum doc, meaning i was called to come only when some regular docs took off-sick.. life is like that..Now I employ young docs

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Using myanmar language on internet is good or not

Using Myanmar language on internet is good or not


1. Using own language will result in better communication, less misunderstanding, more chance to make friendship among Myanmar fellows. Of course, more online fighting and more online love affairs and adulteries.

2. Other people have less access to Myanmar community. For instance, Bangladeshis will find it difficult to learn what scores of Myanmar are preparing to tackle with Bengali invasion in  Burma's west border.

3. More Burmese authors and poets coming out. Yes. you don't need too much funding to publish your own thought in this era when the internet access and social media are easily available.  Of course, when you write an article or essay, you need to include reference. One famous Burmese author is the worst example as she wrote in very nice and beautiful way. But she failed to mention the source, which is disgusting.


1. Less people using international language such as English. The less foreign language is used, the less competent they are. This would make other people Burmese as aliens or idiots when Burmese language minded people speak in English.

2. Myanmar language is likely to be ruined as many youngsters are using a lot of new-Burmese words. Many people are less care about spelling.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hectac Mondays

When recovered people are getting well, they want to go home in a minute. Of course. Everybody wants to go home. We try, but need to see other staying-in patients. Then we need to queue computer to make letter. After letter, prescriptions need to queue in pharmacy for transforming to medications. Packs need to queue for porter to get collected. When green bags arrive back to ward, those keen to go home still need to wait for transport ambulance. Ambulance inevitably see traffic jams on its way. What a long civilized process?
By the way, this us my uncle and me

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Why Yahoo still exists

 I am wondering why Yahoo is still breathing quietly while its friends, ie.  ever growing Google, static Apple and struggling Microsoft are occupying service. I think this is the time for YAHOO for blue sale as no future.

Welcome to Myanmar President U Thein Sein

I must say U Thein Sein is the first ever productive president in Burmese history. He is a sensational, adaptable and knowledgeable ex-army politician, leading  a revolution in a smooth way to upgrade  his citizens to achieve a higher level of social and economic status.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Natural history museum

I feel late winter is good to go out. My weekly  pay as you go Oyster makes me free to go anyway in Zone 1 to 3.   Today' destination was the  natural history museum located near knight bridge in west end.  In fact the nearest tube station is south Kensington on Piccadilly line.  

 Weekend. Not surprisingly with hundreds of visitors ( both locals and tourists ) queuing to enter 

Charles Dawin's statue

The skeleton of a dinosaur

A giant puzzle      
Barbary lion skull
Extinct mammal
Chimpanzee and gorillas