Sunday, August 05, 2007

Alcohol and bowel cancer risk

Many people believe that a pint of beer is OK, nothing serious problem at all. But it is reported recently that we are at risk of bowel cancer even though we don't exceed our daily allowance of alcohol.

The report, published by the International Journal of Cancer, says that drinking two large glasses of wine or two pints a day increases the risk of this disease by around quarter compared with non-drinkers.

One glass of wine or a pint of beer a day raises the risk by 10 per cent.

"The research shows quite clearly that the more alcohol you drink the greater your risk of bowel cancer,'' said Professor Tim Key, an expert with Cancer Research UK told the Daily Telegraph. Source

This must be recent research result. I don't know how reliable it is.

On the other hand, health authorities normally recommend to enjoy moderate alcohol drinking as it prevents heart problem to some extent (20 units per week for men and 15 units per women) . You may want to know how to calculate alcohol unit. Here is online calculator. I can't remember if beers and spirits available in Burma show alcohol percentage, that is, ABV %(Alcohol by Volume). In UK, most Beers come as 4% and 5%. Whiskies are 40%. Wines are 12.5% , 13% ,,,,,,,