For me, Vista is nothing special.( I have no idea why Microsoft corp spent up to 5 years, using a great deal of people to develop this version. Basically, the product is worth much less than my one day wage and nobody are queuing to get it, Cf; Apple's iphone) Not so different from Windows XP in working process.
The thing is the softwares I have are only for XP version. I cannot install these on my laptop and I still need my XP deskstop. Moreover, I have Dell Axim X5 with Pocket PC 2002 which is working fine. Again, Vista's idiot Mobile Device Manager does not support it. I have no idea Microsoft is unfairly pushing people to buy unnecessary things by introducing its futile operating system. I suspect that must be micorsoft's dirty marketing technique.
Yesterday, I accidentally close it without logging off. Screen was black and nothing appeared even after restarting again and again. So I had to go safe mode and had to repair. I have no idea why Windows system is so vulnerable. Don't tell me I need to shut down properly. Sometime I have no time for such a rubbish computers with poor operation system. Why couldn't Microsoft invent a system like car engine? We can drive cars in 1-2 seconds after ignition. Why not computers? It has been wrong since opeartion systems were developed. The loading time to start and the time to turn off the system is taking too long as if the person with IQ 80 was trying to think what is next step after brushing teeth in the morning.
I suspect Vista configuration is weak and inefficient. As a result, its premium version needs memory at least 1GB Ram. Many knows that Microsoft is not so brilliant in terms of technology, but very clever in marketing. You may know the techno history. If IBM did not raise Bill Gate, a uni drop-out, there would not be Windows on earth.
I'm sure I am not alone who is criticising Vista. The following is from wikipedia.
Before the release of Windows Vista, expectations for the new operating system were high, fueled by both promises of new features, better security, and a better user interface, as well as the five year period since the release of Windows XP. Large numbers of businesses and consumers planned on upgrading to Vista. However, after its release, it was met with harsh criticism for low hardware support, high system requirements, relatively poor performance, and for not making big enough improvements since the release of XP. This prompted many users and businesses to hold off on upgrading to Vista and even caused some to replace Vista installations with XP. These results further led to low adoption levels of Windows Vista and generally poor public review, as reflected by its title from PC World as the biggest tech disappointment of 2007.
I would say I have to use Vista which has been pre-installed in my new laptop. Otherwise no point to buy. Don't worry about not using Vista. nothing special. You will not be left behind. You may need to think twice to use even if you get Vista as a x-mas present. Main reason are that your existing software is not working with poor Vista and you may need to upgrade your computer memory. In fact, Microsoft should enclose fee for memory upgrade and compensation for existing softwares not compatible with new version in its Vista package. That is what I believe. Do you think Vista sale will soar in next 12 months?
In fact I am not alone who saw Microsoft vista is suck. Read this article ( BBC page.
When I googled news with key word "vista" this is the first link what I found out.
Vista Ultimate Extras: Ultimately Disappointing