Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Teacher appreciation and financial show business

Today, a friend of mine emailed me saying that there will be a teacher appreciation celebration in next few months, asking me how much money I can contribute. I think someone or a group of our class mates got that fantastic idea to appreciate our teacher’s help in our way to a doctor. Basically that is good news as our medical school classmates can gather, offering something to our teachers, most are in their 70s. I was so excited and I replied how much should be appropriate.

He emailed me again this evening. I was shocked by list of amount of money they proposed to donate. Someone has pledged Kyats 10 million (equivalent to over £4500/ US$ 8000). 2 guys pledged US$ 2000 equivalent. The majority of class mates have already promised to contribute $500 and above. Which come to my mind desperately is how much I should donate. Very difficult question! It is true I am working and my income is above average in England. At the same time, I have been with a big financial commitment. Two dozens of bills normally come every month. I have to think twice to go one night trip to Netherlands.

I feel a smell of fish as I know very well about nature of our classmates. We are friends, at the same time, we are permanent rivals. When we are in school, we competed for a higher mark for 7 years. After graduated, we are still racing for wealth.

This teacher appreciation celebration is a great opportunity for our classmates to show their wealth. So many people won’t miss it. But for me, I am still thinking with many questions.

Is paying homage to teachers with some foods and drink in traditional way not enough?

Do our teachers really need our support?

Has our Burmese tradition changed to donate teacher essentially in cash?

Should I participate in their financial show festival?

What would they say if I don’t donate enough amount of money?

How much should I spend in this time?

Any idea welcome!!!


Anonymous said...

Just sharing my opinions...

I think it's a good gesture on our part to contribute to the appreciation ceremony for our old teachers. Given the steadily deteriorating economy for average citizens in Burma, a little financial help may even go a long way for our old teachers.

However, all this should be purely on a voluntary basic. If I were you... if I ever felt that it was a show of "finances", then I would never be a part of it.

So ... I would just contribute whatever amount that I feel comfortable with and simply savor the feeling of joy at being able to contribute back something to my old teachers.

Steve Evergreen said...

i know your idea. I am happy to show my appreciation. Some may need financial support. But I am still thinking if it is appropriate to do so. At the same time, i am aware that many consultants are super rich in Burma. they are not middle or high school teachers.