Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The funniest or the most nauseous ???

I received this forwarded email.I think this is the most hilarious wedding invitation I have ever seen. At the same time some questions came to my mind.

<1>Is it modernisation or exaggeration?

<2>Is it immatureness of such people?

<3>Do those people need to realise that we all are now living in 21st century of extremely globalisation era and it doesn't need to be proud of marrying?

<4>Do parents need to pay a respect to their children during a wedding occasion in Burmese culture although respecting to each other regardless of age is a sort of civilized manner?

<5>Do we normally write this sort of invitation in modern Burma?

<6>Should we say people achieved BE, MBBS, BA(economics) and so on from Burma, working in Singapore,UK and across the world in their professional fields doesn't meet world standard education?

Updated on 19/02/2009
Surfing across the world wide web, I just learnt that above wedding letter has been pretty popular. I must admit I felt nauseated. But now I think it is a bit funny. At the same time, I am thinking there must be a reason/ reasons behind it what I don't know. Some people criticised about marrying other people. For me, not. No point to do so. OK, I will update later again.


khin oo may said...

သိတ္ခက္တာေတြ မေမးပါနဲ႕အစ္ကုိရယ္။

myanandar said...

Hilarious, clumsy and awkward obviously those cripples need more education and knowledge.
Mya Nandar