In England, I do not need to walk in that way. Really nice. I am still not keen to walk. I may run. I may swim. I may ride a bike. But I did not go out for walking at all.
This evening is different. I did take 30 minute walk around my house, exploring surrounding area. Here are some photos.
Wild rose
Roadside flower
White flower ( I dont know its name)
A cottage
a farm
a stream passing under the mill
phone booth "Coin not accepted"
a pub
church entrance
Only church in this village. It is constructed from flint and stone and has a Norman chancel arch with a 16th century nave.
an old organ for Sunday service
Graveyard with recent funeral service. It looks congested. Maybe not enough fund. Personally I would like to lie in a decent space of land.
An old graveyard
church lane
ဒီမွာ 35...36...37 degree celsius
အျမဲရွိတယ္...အဲ့ဒါဆို ဘယ္လိုလုပ္မလဲ..
ေလာကၾကီးကို ေအးေဆး ရွုလို႔ရတာေပါ့
ရွုခင္းပံုေလးေတြ ၾကည့္ရတာ..ေအးခ်မ္းပါတယ္..
လူေတြေတာ့ မသိဘူး...
please shoot deer next time..
(I mean take picture with camera.. )
35...24...35 ဆိုရင္ေတာ႔မိုက္တာေပါ႔
တကယ္ေတာ့ ရန္ကုန္မွာ သဘာ၀ ပတ္၀န္းက်င္ကို ခံစားဖို႔ သိပ္အခြင့္မသာဘူးေနာ္။
ကိုယ္လဲ ဒီေရာက္မွ သစ္ပင္ သစ္ေတာကို ခံစားရတယ္။ ဥၾသသံကို မျပတ္ နားေထာင္ရတယ္။ ရန္ကုန္မွာ ဥၾသသံဆုိတာ ဘာမွန္းမသိတာ ေတာ္ေတာ္ၾကာၿပီ။ (မီးသတ္ကားေျပးမွပဲ ၾကားရသလို ျဖစ္ေနတယ္)
အဲဒီလို သဘာ၀ပတ္၀န္းက်င္နဲ႔ ေနရတာႀကိဳက္တယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့ urban နဲ႔လဲ မနီးမေ၀း ေနခ်င္တယ္။
thanks for your comment Rita. Well, from my place, only 7 min drive to the nearest town. 20 min drive to Bournemouth and 40 min drive to Southampton which is a port city. I also go back to London at least once a month. so not bad. enjoying different tastes.
ေကာငး္ပါတယ။္ နိတ္ဗန္ ေရာက္ေနသူၿကီးရယ္။
I so love English countryside.
အျဖဴေရာင္ပန္းကေလးေတြက ဇကြဲပန္းလားမသိဘူး.. အနံ႔က ေမႊးေတးေတး...
ေနရာေလးေတြက သာသာယာယာ လမ္းေလွ်ာက္ထြက္ခ်င္စရာ...
ဒါမွမဟုတ္ စာအုပ္တအုပ္နဲ႕ ေအးေအးခ်မ္းခ်မ္း စာဖတ္ခ်င္စရာ... go so many beautiful pictures..thanks for sharing..
Nice photos.
Be careful, Steve. Somebody from heaven is jealous of your life in paradise.
By the way, I love your photos.
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