For me, I don't have too much chance to enjoy sunshine due to my work and education commitments. My organizer shows that most weekends have got full of appointments, on-call duties and "to do tasks". But last weekend, I was able to manage to go to nearby beach, where I spend one hour time. Here are some photos sharing.
Jurassic coast
A sea gull
I deliberately avoided people in my photos .
Dogs also enjoyed summer
ရႊန္းမိ ေမးဘူးလို႕ လမ္းေဘးကပန္းပံုတင္လိုက္တယ္။ Englandက ဒီအခ်ိန္ဆိုေနရာတိုင္း မွာပန္းေတြေတြ႕ႏိုင္တယ္။ ေပါက္ တို႕ ေမျမိဳ႕လိုေပါ့
feeding myself in that evening
fed a bird as well
ဒါျဖင့္ အိမ္မွာ ရန္ဖက္ေတြ ေမြးထားတာေပါ့။ ငွက္ေရာ ေၾကာင္ေရာ
it was a wild bird. yes many wild animals around. such as rabbit, deer, Badger.
But I haven't seen fox which is abundant in London.
Last year, I heard they also reintroduce wolves in Scotland coz deer population has been uncontrollably growing.
ရင္နဲ႕ထပ္တူခံစားၿပီး (နားလည္မယ္မထင္ ထပ္ရွင္းၿပရရင္. ကိုယ္တုိင ္ေရာကခ္ဲသလုိ) ခံစားၿပီးၿကည္႕သြားပါတ။္ စိတ္ခ်မ္းေၿမ႕သြားတယ။္
thanks for the flowers! :)
I just closed-up-viewed the little bird. Thanks for feeding it and taking picture.
And I can't help doing this to your picture.. Hope you don't mind.
I like the shadow of the bird at the corner.
no problem. It was in max zoom-in and my hands a bit shaking. so not a good quality, sorry. I can take next time properly.
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