The majority of people would answer "No".
But according to the latest research in Britain, cold sores, mainly transmitted by kissing, link to Alzheimer's disease, a progressive disabling and irreversible memory problem, which is the second commonest form of dementia. The DNA structure of the HSV-1, a virus causing cold sores, is found in the brains died of Alzheimer's dementia. As this finding is based on a small research , more works are still in need to confirm the discovery.
At this point, we should have an awareness of cold sore, I think. What is cold sore?
Some facts are as follow:
- -a very common illness caused by herpes simplex virus type 1
- -characterized by groups of fluid-filled blisters on and around the lips
- -transmitted by close body contact, mainly kissing (involvement of private part if having oral sex with infected partner)
- -tender and painful
- -reactivation (recurrence) happened when body resistance falls (as virus could stay inside the body for a long time or for life long )
- -Zovirax cold sore cream helps to some extent
More detail on Netdoctor
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