I have never been beyond Bournemouth in south east England before. Yesterday, I went to
Dorchester by train as I had an appointment. It was 6 hours trip in total from my work place in west Yorkshire. I bought a return ticket online for £115 in advance which was a standard one. After collecting the ticket at the station, I was waiting for 16:30 train. Well I left work a bit early. I saw many secondary students putting on different ancient costumes, waiting to go back to nearby towns. I overheard that they participated in a show " Romeo and Juliet " at their school. From Yorkshire to London, I took the
National Express train line which has got power source for laptop and wifi access. I arrived the
King Cross station at about 19:20, from where I took the tube to
Waterloo. Too much crowded in Waterloo as usual. I quickly bought my supper which were a baguette and a cup of black Kenco. And then I took
South West train to Dorset. My destination was DCH,
Dorset County Hospital. It was mid night when I got to my over-night accommodation provided by hospital.

My route

My Kenco. Fortunately, no person next to me.

A gentle man working while travelling

I was also revising Jason's Driver 2

On south west train

Hospital guide

Parking tariff at DCH
Read and look
I think the movie is " transporter 2". just kidding. :)
Thanks koolstar. It is Transporter 2. In the movie they called him driver again and again. so :)
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