Sunday morning, I organised my shoes. Some were binned. Some were polished. Those shoes made me remember my recent years.
Todd Barnes shoes, used in 2005. It was a tough time as too many oversea doctors came in at the same time. One vacancy for over 200 applications. I had to go King George Hospital daily. Too many walking and running from 9 to 5. That time, I had another shoes which had already gone.
2007 Summer. I was in mid land. I bought this pair of shoes in Leicester. I think it was from Next. I used only when playing tennis.
I bought these shoes with nice lining inside in early 2007 for an interview. I did not make it. :(. Sine then, I rarely use it.
late 2008. I was in Norfolk, East of England. Very good working situation at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
2008 Winter. I like these. From Ilford Mark & Spencer. Not lucky though. While wearing these shoes, I was caught over-speed in London Lime house tunnel. 3 points and £60.
My recent shoes. Clark shoes for ordinary people in Britain. I am one of them.
I started using above trainers during my holiday in Rome this year. Now very useful for my 3 times a week running.
ပံုၾကည္႔ယံုနဲ႔တင္ ေတာ္ေတာ႔ကိုနံေစာ္ေနမဲ႔shoeေတြမွန္းသိသာတယ္
နံပါတ္ေလး ပံုမွာတစ္စြန္းတစ္စပါတဲ့
အျပာေရာင္ စလစ္ပါ ဖိနပ္ပါထည့္ရိုက္ျပအုန္းမွေပါ့..
မမစထရိုက္ေျပာတာ ေထာက္ခံတယ္..
Strike ကဘိနပ္ေတြ႐ႉဘူးပံုဘဲ
Fetish strike.......
I like your shoes.
for me, because of very small feet as a man, can't find shoe size whatever I like. :(
really, I dont think so. you can get easily I think
Mine are UK 8.5
I think size 6 and 6.5 are very small.But available in all shoes shops. No idea what you are talking.
thanks for your comment
အင္း ....စဥ္းစားသြားတယ္ !!!! မိန္းခေလးေတြအမ်ားစုကပဲ ဖိနတ္ေတြအိန္းက်ီေတြ တင္ေလ့ ရွိၾကပါက လားလို႕.....
ဖိနပ္ေတြ ေျပာပါတယ္
အေတာ္မွတ္မိတာပဲ။ ဖိနပ္တခုစီက ကိုယ္ေအာင္ျမင္ခဲ႔တာ၊ ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္ခဲ႔တာ၊ က်ရွဳံးခဲ႔တာေတြကို ေဖာ္ျပေနတယ္။
ဖိနပ္ခ်ည္းတင္ရင္ စိတ္၀င္စားမိမွာမဟုတ္။ အခုလိုေလး ေျပာျပေတာ႔ ဒီပို႔စ္ေလးကို သေဘာက်မိတယ္။
it's only you who get the point. Yes I wanted to talk about my struggling life more. It is not an easy way for a Burmese to survive in west.
I had a tough time. But now I believe my foot steps have been getting stronger.
Well someone might see me as an opportunist or something after leaving the native country. But nobody see how much I had to invest, how much I had to put my effort, how much I had to sacrifice.. ... :)
စာေရးရင္ ေကာင္းမယ္။ AJ Cronin လို။ ကိုယ္က AJ Cronin သိပ္ႀကိဳက္တာ။
ကိုၾကီးဖိုးစိန္ ေယာက္ဖ
ဆိုလို ့လာၾကည့္တာပါရွင့္
ဒီပို႔စ္ထဲမွာ မန္႔ခဲ့တာ ေပ်ာက္သြားပါလား။
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