In Britain, buying organic foods is for a group of people's preference. They may have their own reason why they go organic. In fact, I have been a partial organic member. My fridge has normally got organic semi skinned milk, organic eggs and chicken with the reason that they are tastier than regular ones. I must say I thought until this evening that organic stuffs mean only for foods. But after shopping at nearby town centre, I learnt that clothes are also available as "organic"
This casual shirt is what I purchased from Debenham's designer's section today. It is Rocha- John Rocha. It is claimed 100% organic cotton shirt. After organic foods, now organic shirt! What would be next? organic computer or organic auto mobile? I bought it as it looked nice , not because of being organic. I must say I have to learn more about the meaning of organic and its benefits.
after you've learned, please share your thoughts and knowledge.. :D!
Organic Food ကိုစားၿပီးOrganic Shirt ကို
၀တ္လိုက္ေတာ႔ Organic Steve ေပါ႔ကြယ္။
Ko Steve
youtubeက အဆိုေတာ္တစ္ေယာက္ပါ..
ဘယ္နွာ...လူကို အထင္ၾကီးေနတယ္..
I'm all for for organic products. But.. ေရာက္ကာစက ၾကက္သားဝယ္ခ်င္တာကုိ အတင္း organic farm ေခၚသြားေတာ့ နွစ္နာရီေလာက္ လမ္းေတြေပ်ာက္ၿပီးတဲ့ သကာလ ၾကက္တစ္ေကာင္ ၁ဝ ေပါင္ ေပးဝယ္လုိက္ရတာေတာ့ နွေမ်ာတယ္။ အဝယ္ႀကီး လုိက္ပုိ႔ေတာ့ အားနာတာနဲ႔ ဝယ္လုိက္ရတယ္၊
အခုေတာ့ လူရည္လယ္သြားေတာ့ ေစ်းမွာ အဲ့လုိၾကက္ေတြပဲ တစ္ေကာင္ကုိ ၃.၅၀နဲ႔ ဝယ္တယ္၊ တစ္ေယာက္ထဲမုိ႔လုိ႔ အေကာင္အေသး ေပးပါလုိ႔ေတာင္ ေျပာရတယ္၊
(အတင္းခ်တာ ျမင္မွာစုိးလုိ႔ ဗမာလုိ ႀကိဳးစားပန္းစားရုိက္တာ :P)
စကားမစပ္ အေၾကာ္စုံ ဘယ္မွာရလဲဟင္? ေနာက္လ ၿမိဳ႕တက္(ဆင္း)မလုိ႔ ..
အေၾကာ္စုံ? I'm not so sure what you meant. For pickled tea leave? 4-5 yrs ago, There was a shop called Shwe Hin Thar in Hounslow East. I beleive they don't do anymore.
I have lost contact with most Burmese from West London. Anyway I will drop a message if I know...
ဟုတ္၊ လက္ဖက္တုိ႔ ဂ်င္းတုိ႔နဲ႔ စားဖုိ႔ပါ၊
Thank you.
"Shwe Mandalay"
218 Great West Road
Hounslow,TW5 9AW
:020 85708024
Haha.. strike, thanks! actually, i know Steve won't know. He doesn't seem to eat burmese food. But I was hoping someone else will help me out! :P
You are absolutely wrong Mae, I eat rice and curry at least 3-4 meals a week :). Nice. Chicken curry with Knorr sauce is my fav :)
oh come on.. curry can be indian :P
စတိ ခ်က္ပံုၾကည္႔ရတာမ်ိဳးမစစ္ၿမန္မာဟင္းေတြပဲၿဖစ္ကုန္
မယ္႔ပံုပါ :P
Whatever it is, I love my Myanmar foods :)
မယံုဘူး. ဘိန္းမုန္႕ကုိေတာင္ ဘာမုန္႕လဲဆုိၿပီး လုပ္ေနေသးတယ။္
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