Yesterday's my road trip. A: Lyme Regis, B: Lulworth cove, C: Home, London docklands.
A to C: just over 160 miles, Not too bad. (Singapore-Kuala Lumpur 219 miles)
Lyme Regis:
Yesterday, loads of Easter holiday visitors. Parking places with full of cars. So I had to leave my car 1 miles away from the beach.
Holiday makers
Sailing in Lyme Regis
Can you see me?
Life boat is stand-by to rescue me. No worry. A kid donating some money.
Lulworth Cove:
From Lyme Regis, we drove to Lulworth cove, where we went hill climbing so that we could enjoy the spectacular view of cove and around.
The cove and cars, the view from half way to the hill.
before reaching at the top of the hill.
I was on the top of the hill
Going down now. I was on the similar hill you can see. Interestingly, those 2 hills are human breast shaped
Reorganised above photo in chronological order @ 19:00 GMT 13/4/2008
Here are photos I took
Such a nice place.. I wish I could be there......
ၿကည္႕သြားပါတယ္။ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ား။ သိတ္လွတယ။္
you are lucky man လို႕ ေၿပာခ်င္ေသာ္ၿငားလည္းဘဲ လပ္ကီးခ်င္ရင္ အဲသလိုေန အဲသလို လုပ္ပါလားလို႕ ဘုေတာ ဦးမွာကုိ ၿကားေယာင္တဲ႕ အတြက္ ဘာမွ မေၿပာေတာ႕ဘူး။
အဲသလိုဘဲ အၿမဲေပ်ာ္ရြင္နုိင္ပါေစလို႕.။
ၿမန္မာ နဴယဴးရီးယား ကို တတ္သေလာက္မွတ္သေလာက္နဲ႕ၿကီိုဆိုလုိက္တယ။္
thanks. but no Nay Pyi Taw in the song? I won't forgive them.
Yes, you can. if you go to my picasa web albums, you have more choice I think
ေဟ့ လူၾကီး သြားျပီးျပီ..ယူခ်င္တဲ့ပံုေတြရွိတယ္
က်ေနာ္ၾကိဳက္တဲ့ပံုကိုေတာင္ မမကို အတင္းသြားၾကည့္ခိုင္းတာ..
မေျပာရေသးလို႔ မယူတာပါ..
Lulworth Cove's beautiful! Your pictures are great. I definitely must go there.
Sorry. I haven't been visiting your site because I spent the last four days in Northern Ireland. Just got back.. totally shattered.
btw.. i had the exact combination of dips in the afternoon with nachos
I haven't been there. I mean NI
11 Apr 09, 01:08 AM
ဘိြဳင္း: အဲဒီပံုေတြ ျမင္ေတာ့ စိန္႔လုဗ္ျပတိုက္က မိုနာလီဇာ ပန္းခ်ီကားကို သတိရမိတယ္...။ မႈန္မိႈင္းမိႈင္းေတြ
11 Apr 09, 12:52 AM
ေပါက္: Fogging afternoon in Kirkstall Abbey park လို႔ေရးထားတာပါ..
11 Apr 09, 12:51 AM
ုkom: ပုိတုိ ၆၄ ဆုိတာလား
11 Apr 09, 12:50 AM
ေပါက္: မွုန္မွိုင္းမွိုင္းၾကီး...က်ောန္ေတာ့ ၾကိဳက္တယ္
11 Apr 09, 12:49 AM
11 Apr 09, 12:49 AM
ုkom: ၿကည္႕မယ္
11 Apr 09, 12:49 AM
ုkom: ၿပ
11 Apr 09, 12:46 AM
ေပါက္: မမ..ကိုစတိဖ္ ဆီက ပံုေလးတစ္ပံုၾကိဳက္တယ္...ၾကည့္မလားး...
မမ ..ကိုစတိဖ္ ကိုေပးျပထားတယ္လား
~~ဟိုအမၾကီး ငယ္ငယ္တုန္းက ဖင္ေျပာင္ႀကီး ဖင္ေျပာင္ႀကီး~~~~
~~ဟိုေကာင္မေလး ငယ္ငယ္တုန္းက ကိုယ္တံုးလံုး ကိုယ္တံုးလံုး~~~~
ဟိုေကာင္ကေလး ငယ္ငယ္တုန္းက ေဂြးတန္းလန္း ေဂြးတန္းလန္း~~~~~~~~
yzk blog ဆီမွ မလာပါသည္
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